I would like to personally thank each and every one of you for hunting here at Ringneck Ridge Inc. Without you, we could not continue to build, plant, and expand the hunting grounds. Your comments and suggestions have helped make RRI bigger and better each year. The Staff at RRI is greatful to have the ability to hold the Hunts for Healing events and the anunal mentored Youth Hunts. We look forward to serving you and are accepting membership packages for the up and coming hunting season. Please call John Piccotti @ 570-869-1139.
We at RRI have been happy with the results in our mentored youth hunts. We encourage any youth who have never bird hunted and completed their hunter safety course to sign up for one of our youth hunts. Thanks to anonymous monetary support and our RRI clients who offer to mentor and guide with their gun dog, our youth have a one on one experience. We also take each youth on the shooting range and build their confidence and shooting ability before going into the field.
If you have a youth interested in applying please have them fill out the mentored youth form and send it to JohnPiccotti@ringneckridge.com and I will provide you with this years mentored youth hunt dates.